New Way To Get Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Payment

Benazir Kafaalat New Payment 2024

New Way To Get Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Payment. As you know, the new payment of the Benazir Kafaalat program has been released by the Benazir Income Program, and at this time millions of beneficiaries from all over the country are receiving their payments. But there are many beneficiaries who are not fully aware of the new method of getting paid. Because recently there has been a change in the method of receiving payment from the Benazir Income Support Program. So beneficiaries who are facing difficulties in receiving payment or beneficiaries who have not yet received their payment. Here I am going to describe the new method of getting paid for their complete guidance. In this article, such beneficiaries will be able to see the complete procedure to receive payment at home, after which they will be able to receive their payment with ease. New Way To Get Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Payment.

So, if you are also a regular beneficiary of the Benazir Kafalat program to whom payments have been issued by BISP this time, then you can easily get your payment by following the procedure given in this article. Along with this, you will also be provided with the necessary information regarding filing a complaint for deduction of money within this article. So if you are interested in getting complete information, then you need to read this article till the end. New Way To Get Benazir Kafaalat Program 10500 Payment.

Also Read: Payment Of Benazir Kafaalat Continues Across The Country

New Procedure For Receiving Kafalat Payment

As I told you at the beginning of the article, this time the Benazir Income Support Program has changed the payment method, due to which many people are facing difficulties in receiving their Kafalat payment. Seeing the same difficulties of people, I am going to provide a complete procedure to such people to receive payment. Let me go ahead and tell you that this time a token system has been introduced by BISP to make the  payment system more efficient. Now the beneficiaries who will go to the camp site to receive their payment must first go through the screening process at the camp site gate itself. After which the token will be issued to them by the representatives of BISP. After receiving the token, the beneficiaries will be asked to wait in the waiting room. After which, as soon as his number comes, he will go to the BISP representative and get his payment after getting confirmation.

Further Action After Receiving Payment

Yes, if you also receive your payment by following the procedure mentioned above, then your work does not end here. Because, after that you have to go through the screening process again at the gate while leaving the campsite. During the return screening process, you will be asked to confirm whether the full amount has been provided to you or not. If during the return screening process the BISP representatives find that your amount has been deducted, immediate action will be taken against the deducting representative. And you will be provided with your remaining amount on the spot. With this initiative taken by BISP, not only the payment system will be improved but also the valuable time of people will be saved. Because then there will be no need to go anywhere else to file a complaint of deduction.

Benazir Kafaalat New Payment 2024 Jul to Sep

جی ہاں اگر اپ بھی اوپر بتائے ہوئے طریقہ کار پر عمل کرتے ہوئے اپنی ادائیگی کو وصول کر لیتے ہیں تو اپ کا کام یہاں پر ختم نہیں ہوتا. کیونکہ اس کے بعد اپ کو واپس کیمپ سائٹ سے نکلتے وقت گیٹ پر اسکریننگ کے عمل سے دوبارہ سے گزرنا ہوگا. واپسی پر اسکریننگ کے عمل کے دوران اپ سے اس بات کی تصدیق کی جائے گی کہ اپ کو مکمل رقم فراہم کی گئی ہے یا نہیں. اگر واپسی پر اسکریننگ کے عمل کے دوران بی ائی ایس پی کے نمائندوں کو یہ معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ اپ کی رقم میں کٹوتی کی گئی ہے تو فوری طور پر کٹوتی کرنے والے نمائندے کے خلاف ایکشن لیا جائے گا. اور اپ کو اپ کی بقیہ رقم بھی موقع پر ہی فراہم کی جائے گی. بی ائی ایس پی کی جانب سے کیے جانے والے اس اقدام سے نہ صرف ادائیگیوں کا نظام مزید بہتر بلکہ لوگوں کا قیمتی وقت بھی ضائع ہونے سے بچے گا. کیونکہ پھر انہیں اپنی ادائیگی میں سے کٹوتی کی شکایت درج کروانے کے لیے کہیں اور جانے کی ضرورت نہیں پڑے گی.

Latest Update Regarding BISP Campsite

Along with this, let us tell you more that uniforms are also being provided to the representatives inside the camp site by the Benazir Income Support Program. The purpose of providing uniforms to the camp site representatives by BISP is to make it easier for the beneficiaries to receive the payments. Due to which the beneficiaries who came to collect the money had to face a lot of difficulties in identifying the representatives of BISP. However, after this initiative, each representative is now being provided with a uniform, with the help of which it will be easy for the beneficiaries who come to collect the money to identify them.

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The purpose of this article was to provide the Benazir Kafalat Program beneficiaries with the complete procedure for receiving payments who are not fully aware of the new procedure for receiving payments. Because, as I have told you in the article, many changes have been made in the method of receiving money from BISP, which are very important to know for the beneficiaries of the Benazir Kafalat program. So that they don’t have to face any kind of problem in getting money. The reason is that within this article complete information has been provided about the new procedure issued by BISP. If you are a regular beneficiary of the Benazir kafaalat program or you have recently completed your registration process, then it is very important for you to know the new method of getting the money given in this article. Along with this, within this article, the changes made by the Benazir Income Support Program in BISP campsites are also mentioned.

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