New Registration Of Benazir Kafaalat Program Started Again


New Registration Of Benazir Kafaalat Program Started Again, After a long wait, once again the new registration for the Benazir Kafaalat program has been started. Women from all over the country who belong to a poor or deserving family and are forced to live below the poverty line due to unstable financial conditions can complete their registration process. And in order to complete the registration on time, the Benazir Income Support Program has also activated all the Tehsil offices across the country. Therefore, women who have not been able to complete their registration process can complete their registration process by going to their nearest Benazir Income Support Program Tehsil Office. Along with this, women who have already completed their survey but were not included in the program due to their high poverty score, such women can also go to the nearest BISP office to complete their registration process again.

In this article, all necessary information is being provided in detail to such women to complete the registration. Aspiring women who want to complete their registration can easily complete their registration process after reading the information given in this article. New Registration Of Benazir Kafaalat Program Started Again.

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Eligibility Criteria for Completing Registration

Like other programs run under the Benazir Income Support Program, certain eligibility criteria have been set to complete the registration in the Kafalat program. Only those women who meet the eligibility criteria set by BISP will be able to get financial assistance after completing the registration. So it is very important for you to know the eligibility criteria before knowing the registration procedure. And hence I am going to describe the eligibility criteria set by BISP, which are as follows: New Registration Of Benazir Kafaalat Program Started Again.

  • Female applicants should be permanently residents of Pakistan.
  • Female applicants must have a Pakistani identity card.
  • Female applicants must have a household monthly income of less than Rs 50,000.
  • The female applicant or any member of her family should not be a government servant.
  • The female applicant should not have any land in her name.
  • Women applicants should not be part of any other assistance program.
  • Applicant women should never have traveled abroad
  • Applicant women must be the head of their own household.
  • Widows and disabled women will be given more priority.
  • Female applicants must have a mobile phone number registered in their name.

Procedure to Complete Benazir Kafaalat Program Registration

If you meet all the eligibility criteria mentioned above and want to join the kafalat program and get cash financial assistance on a quarterly basis, then you need to complete your registration process by following the steps below.

  • First visit your nearest Benazir Income Support Program Tehsil Office.
  • As soon as you enter the office, first visit the NSER registration desk.
  • Provide your ID card and your child’s bay form to the BISP staff at the registration desk.
  • The desk staff will issue you a token to complete the survey after your entry.
  • Get the token and visit the registration room for the survey as per the token number.
  • The data entry operator in the survey registration room will ask you various questions containing socio-economic information and complete your form.
  • As soon as the form is completed, you will be thumbed on the affidavit for verification.
  • And then, after a few minutes, you will receive an SMS from 8171 that your survey registration process is complete.
  • And then, after waiting for a few days, as soon as the verification process is complete, you will receive an eligibility message from 8171.
  • And within this message you will be informed with complete information whether you have been included in the program or not.
Benazir Kafaalat Program Oct 2024 Registration

یاد رکھیں ایسی خواتین جو پہلے اپنا سروے مکمل کروا چکی ہیں اور ان کا غربت کا اسکور 32 سے زیادہ ہونے کی وجہ سے انہیں کفالت پروگرام میں شامل نہیں کیا گیا تھا. تو ایسی خواتین کو اپنا سروے مکمل کروانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے بلکہ انہیں اپنا سروے اپڈیٹ کروانا ہوگا اور سروے اپڈیٹ کروانے کا ٹوکن حاصل کرنا ہوگا. جس کے بعد باقی تمام طریقہ کار نیا سروے مکمل کروانے والے طریقہ کار کی طرح ہی مکمل کرنا ہوگا.

8171 Check Online CNIC

Those women who have completed their registration process but have not yet received the eligibility message from 8171 need not worry. Because the Benazir Income Support Program has provided various procedures to verify eligibility. Women who have not received the SMS can verify their eligibility online at home by following the procedure given below. To do this, they need to follow the following steps:

  • First open the 8171 portal with the help of your mobile
  • Once the portal opens, enter your ID card number and the captcha code displayed on the screen.
  • And press the “Find” button shown below.
  • As soon as the button is pressed, all the details regarding the eligibility of such women will be displayed in front of them.
  • Thus, such women will be able to verify their eligibility at home.

Also Read: Benazir Kafaalat Oct-Dec Installment Payment Started


In conclusion, on the special instructions of the President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, the new registration of the Benazir Kafalat program has been started once again, which is a very commendable initiative. After this initiative, women who were not yet able to be a part of the Kafalat program but were living below the poverty line now have the doors opened for them to join this program. And keeping the same thing in front, for the guidance of such women who want to complete their registration, the complete procedure of completing the registration has been described in this article. Therefore, women who are interested in completing their registration process should complete it before December 30 by following the procedure given in this article.

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